(Marcuse's Freud to be exposed as time permits.)
Quotations by Marcuse from his book:  Eros and Civilization.
(for research purposes only)

1.  Freud: how civilization was formed.
2.  Freud's view of man
        a.  Orpheus
        b.  Narcissus
3.  Kants "aesthetic dimension"

1.  Freud's myth on how civilization was formed (a very brief overview).

a.  Primal Horde: Patriarch (father) determines proper behavior in the clan, between mother (matriarch) and siblings.
b.  Sons (siblings) drawn to matriarch (an act of Eros) to escape pain ("death instinct," status, reenter womb) and approach mother for pleasure ("life instinct," change, explore world).
c.  Patriarch sees sons behavior as "perverse" (unrestrained behavior of touch, taste, sight, smell, sound, without intent or ability to procreate).
d.  Patriarch drives sons out of clan.
e.  Sons (outgroup) unite (tennis court oath of French Revolution), first consensus, teambuilding, to overthrow the Patriarch and return to the matriarch and siblings.
f.  Sons kill Patriarch (patricide) to unite siblings with matriarch (incest) (proletariat with natural resources).
g. Matriarch rules for a time but unable to protect and provide for clan.
g. Sons feel guilt for killing Patriarch (first act of conscience), since Patriarch protected and provided for mother and siblings.
h. Sons therefore set up their duty of protecting and providing (serve and protect) for clan and therefore worship the father system (Patriarchal paradigm) as provider.
i.  Sons set themselves up in role of Patriarch (bourgeoisie).
j.  Sons set up rules to prevent perverse behavior (Eros) between mother and siblings, to keep order (civilization).
k. Therefore, according to Freud, the history of civilization is a history of neurosis.
l.  To  undue the "neurosis of history,"  Eros must be restored, but it will "explode" civilization.
m. Therefore the question was how to rescue civilization from the patriarch without exploding it, so all can praxis Eros (Heresiarch paradigm), so all can bond with "mother earth" and the cosmic forces.

2.  Freud's myth on how man and nature relate.

a.  Orpheus, the Greek figure of homosexuality

1).  Orpheus: Eros in man, song and dance, Eros expressed unrestrained, uniting the cosmos.
2).  Orpheus was Freud's Greek god of worship.
3).  Orpheus represented the Id and Ego of mankind united, the "I will" and the spontaneous pleasure of life (This is the praxis of Satan and all who follow his way).
4).  But without Id the Ego would destroy (death instinct) man.

"In psychology, Freud and his followers have presented convincing arguments that the id, man's basic and unconscious nature, is primarily made up of instincts which would, if permitted expression, result in incest, murder, and other crimes." "The whole problem of therapy, as seen by this group, is how to hold these untamed forces in check in a wholesome and constructive manner, rather than in the costly fashion of the neurotic." Carl Rogers in his book on becoming a person: A Therapist View of Psychotherapy

5).  Orpheus is the figurehead of homosexuality, of sensuousness.  He expresses love to nature but is not able to receive it back.
        Without nature becoming one with him he can not know himself.
6).  Without Orpheus (homosexuality) Freud has no foundation on which to unite man with his surroundings.
7).  Without Freud there is not Psychology.
8).  All psychologists ("Christian" included) build themselves upon the foundation of homosexuality.
9).  It is impossible to be Christian psychologists, since they build themselves upon a sensuous Christ (anti-Christ, anti means another), an Eros Christ, instead of the true Christ himself where you must "deny yourself and pick up your cross and follow him" a patriarchal paradigm (way of thinking and behaving)

b.  Narcissus

1).  Narcissus: Greek god who sees his reflection and is drawn toward it.  He does not know it is himself he sees and is not worshiping himself but is instead is worshiping in nature (in others) that which reflects back his nature.

"A meeting of two: eye to eye, face to face.  And when you are near I will tear your eyes out and place them inside of mine, and you will tear my eyes out and will place them inside of yours, then I will look at you with your eyes and you will look at me with mine."  J. L. Moreno Who Shall Survive? The father of role playing.

2).  Freud saw Narcissus as the justification for the unity of mankind and nature (others), where nature calls man toward it with conditions of "morality" which lie within him.  Without becoming one with nature he can not know himself.

3.  The use of Kant's "aesthetic dimension" to overcome Freud's myth and merge civilization with Eros

a.  Freud could not reconcile the conflict between sensuousness and morality (Orpheus and Narcissus, Homosexuality and law and order)
        He could not overcome the duality of man become one with nature and nature become one with man without force, i.e. unnatural laws.
b.  Kant synthesizes the two with the "aesthetic dimension" of beauty.  Art is the expression of sensuousness expressed in rules which allow others to participate in like sensuousness without domination.  The sensuousness of nature and the sensuousness of man united in the "aesthetic" 'moment.'
c.  If all decisions could be made where Eros is given freedom and all could experience agreement, then civilization could continue without exploding.  This process is called consensus.

"purposiveness without purpose;"
"lawfulness without law"

"Zweckmässigkeit ohne Zweck;
Gesetzmässigkeit ohne Gesetz."

The key to understanding this statement by Hegel is the suffix "-ness" which means system or quality, the merging of beauty and freedom on common laws of agreement through discourse.   To find the beauty (Eros) in others and reflect it back to them, to be positive and not negative, is the expressed purpose to negate God, parent, boss, any patriarch figure from civilization.

© Institution for Authority Research, Dean Gotcher 2015